Affinity Farm
Certified Naturally Grown (more info)
Affinity Farm is owned and operated by Kelly Kingsland and Russell Poe. The farm was established in 2001, and is located on the north side of Moscow- within the city limits. Affinty Farm has sold produce at the Moscow Farmers Market, the Tuesday Growers Market (2001-2010), through a small CSA program, and now through Palouse Grown market!
Affinity is Certified Natually Grown and uses only organic methods to produce a wide array of vegetables. Fertility is maintained by using cover crops, composted horse manure, and a small amount of Kelp for watering in transplants. Pests are managed largely through healthy soils (healthy soils produce healthy plants, and healthy plants do not attract as many pests), through row cover- which provides a physical barrier to insects, and through organically approved biological insecticides (Bt and Garlic Barrier only). Four large hoop-houses help us extend the growing season; and allow us to maintain 5 year rotations on crops grown inside of them.
We love our work, and take pleasure in growing and harvesting the healthiest, most flavorful produce that we can grow!